Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What "The Birdcage" Did for Me: A Short Tribute to Robin Williams

Sometime after the release of The Birdcage, starring Robin Williams, I remember my mom telling me how much she had enjoyed the film. It was a revelation that stuck with me because I was surprised to see that she, a devout, lifelong Catholic, was completely unfazed by the film's sympathetic (yet over-the-top) portrayal of Williams' characther's "non-traditional" family. The movie depicted the de facto marriage of two unabashedly flamboyant gay nightclub owners, along with their having raised a seemingly happy, healthy, well-adjusted son together. It was edgy fare for 1996 the year that DOMA became lawflying in the face of what many, perhaps most Americans still believed about queer families. But my conservative-ish mom didn't seem the least bit bothered or offended by any of it. In fact, she loved it.

It was with this specifically in mind a few years later that I finally summoned the courage to come out to my mom. And she has been nothing but awesome ever since.
Mom and me on my gay wedding day

So thank you, Robin Williams, for the many great performances you gave us, but especially, thank you for The Birdcage. 

Rest in peace.