I saw Regina Spektor in concert for the first time back in 2009 at the Paramount Theater in Seattle. Ever since, that performance has ranked high among my all-time favorite shows by a popular musician. I straight-up adore Regina Spektor, and if only I were heterosexual, and not madly in love with this guy, I would totally make it my life's mission to woo and marry her. She is a delightful performer who seems genuinely delighted to be on stage. And, as you might imagine, girlfriend's got some serious chops as a pianist, vocalist, and composer of music. There's really nothing not to love about her.
The one thing missing from that otherwise outstanding show three years ago was Mike. Like so many things of entrancing beauty, I feel Miss Spektor's music is best enjoyed in the company of one's true love. (I know. Barf). I take full credit for eventually turning Mike on to her music, but at this early-ish point in our relationship, she had yet to take hold.
Fast-forward to last week, and we find Mr. Curato gleefully humming tunes like "On the Radio" and singing along with "Us" as he purchases our tickets to Regina's latest show at the Paramount. He'd fallen for her at last, and was now coming with me to see her. Mission accomplished.
I'll spare you a long, wordy review of the performance itself, except to say that Regina was as delightful as ever. She was in top musical form, and seemed to be truly enjoying herself and all the affection from her doting audience. She played every song I was hoping to hear (well, almost), and there were more that a few "I'm so happy to be here with the person I love" moments. (I know. More barf). And despite Mike's being stuck behind a big-haired, busy-headed gal, and my being stuck next to an annoyingly fidgety tween, the view from our seats was terrific. We even spotted the lovely Kimya Dawson kickin' it in the audience (the opening act had been the lead guitarist for the The Moldy Peaches), so that was big bonus thrill for us.
So yes, all in all, it had been a lovely and satisfying evening of music. I haven't been much of a concert-goer lately, so it's always a pleasure when the ones I do make it to prove to be truly worthwhile. And I feel particularly lucky to have such a willing and musically compatible partner in Mike. It really makes the experience that much sweeter.
Now, a video clip from Regina's 2009 Seattle show. Enjoy!
You know how to turn me on...to good music xoxo